That’s the latest trend reported in Time Magazine this week. The trend of sunbathing topless on French beaches and around pool sides is now going the other way. Young French women are becoming more modest.
Unfortunately, that leaves older French women who still think going topless is a good idea. I’ve been there. I’ve seen them. It’s not a pretty sight. Gravity has the same effect in France that it does in the US.
There is a joke, based on truth, that the most common bra size in South Florida is 38 Long. Apparently, it’s also common in the South of France. I’m not sure what kind of tan they aspire to, but what they often end up with is tanned titties and white oblong shapes on their stomachs. (You can visualize this without any other descriptive help.)
Back when the braless look came about decades ago, the rule was that you could go braless if you passed the pencil test. (You placed a pencil under your boob and if it stayed put you failed.) If this worked for braless you’d think the same standard should apply for topless. Of course with the amount of silicone out there these days they all stand at full attention like Mt Rushmore.
Nevertheless, if you’re old enough for a mammogram and it involves lifting and positioning, you probably should keep your top on.
So let’s hope this trend continues in the interest on creating more overseas tourism and not less. Maybe we can get older French women interested in that other South Florida obsession – mahjong! That’s generally played fully clothed.
Unfortunately, that leaves older French women who still think going topless is a good idea. I’ve been there. I’ve seen them. It’s not a pretty sight. Gravity has the same effect in France that it does in the US.
There is a joke, based on truth, that the most common bra size in South Florida is 38 Long. Apparently, it’s also common in the South of France. I’m not sure what kind of tan they aspire to, but what they often end up with is tanned titties and white oblong shapes on their stomachs. (You can visualize this without any other descriptive help.)
Back when the braless look came about decades ago, the rule was that you could go braless if you passed the pencil test. (You placed a pencil under your boob and if it stayed put you failed.) If this worked for braless you’d think the same standard should apply for topless. Of course with the amount of silicone out there these days they all stand at full attention like Mt Rushmore.
Nevertheless, if you’re old enough for a mammogram and it involves lifting and positioning, you probably should keep your top on.
So let’s hope this trend continues in the interest on creating more overseas tourism and not less. Maybe we can get older French women interested in that other South Florida obsession – mahjong! That’s generally played fully clothed.