If so, I may win the gold. They say that the way to stay young is to rediscover your youth. Well, I’ve done that. I’ve begun napping again, just like a three year old. However, unlike a three year old, I look forward to the naps. I’ve even begun to plan my weekends around them.
Let’s see, if I get up early and read the paper and eat breakfast I can be back in bed by 8:30 for a good two hour nap. Then I can get up, putter around, eat lunch, and go back to bed for another two hours. Maybe three. Then it’s time to run errands, eat dinner, watch TV, and be asleep by 9:00 so I’ll have a fresh start to do it all over again on Sunday.
You might think this doesn’t work with my plan of exercise and eating right but it has its advantages. Granted, when I’m asleep I’m not burning many calories. But on the other hand, neither am I consuming them. I keep going back to sleep before I have the chance to get hungry again.
Exercise, done improperly can lead to injury and wear and tear on joints. I’ve never heard of anyone tearing a muscle or spraining a joint while asleep. So this plan is also safer. And it doesn’t require a specific wardrobe like most sports and exercise activities do. So this is also cheaper. And in a recession that’s an important factor.
I don’t plan to regress into childhood any further than this. That could only lead to drooling and bedwetting.
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