Appearances to the contrary, I am, by nature, a positive person. But lately I’m bombarded with Positive People and I’m about to puke. You can’t have a crappy day any more without some Positive Person ruining it by smiling and reciting some platitude designed to brighten your day.
Screw that. Some days it feels good to bitch and moan. To get it out of your system. To verbally kick a dog. Bad things do happen to good people and it sucks. And I really don’t need to hear that it will make me a better person. I’m pretty good now, thanks.
Social media is making it worse. Those Perky Positive People now can choose applications that enable them to spread their good cheer automatically – and with little cheerful pictures too. Yuck!
I’m also invited to webinars filled with Passionate Perky Positive People. Their voices sound like red Jell-O, all jiggly with the passion of their mission to brighten my day. The worse the recession gets, the more their passion. They have yet another story of someone down on their luck who didn’t give up and how life turned around for them just at their lowest point.
Maybe this whole thing is a bi-product of a down economy. There’s a thought. If the economy perks back up will all the motivational speakers go away? Yet another reason to hope for economic recovery! One can only hope!
Amen, Sista!!!